Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Posts by Janel Quinlan

Crazy Brave

Last month, I had the honor to join the 5th-8th grade youth groups at the Grand Theater to hear Former American Idol contestant, Dave Pitmann in concert. Dave wrote the song Crazy Brave after he went to audition for season 9 of American Idol. He shares that we have a purpose to step out of…

Spiritual Milk

Have you ever been around a hungry new born and their relentless hunger for their mother’s milk. Nothing outside of being fed will satisfy that baby’s desire. Many new Christians experience a similar hunger for the spiritual milk found in the Bible and like a child getting older, some Christians lose their thirst for milk…

God Sees His Son in Us

Has anyone ever mentioned that you look just like your mom or have eyes like your dad, beautiful hair like your sister or you smile just like your brother? The Bible says in Genesis 1:27 that God created mankind in HIS image and likeness. God’s design of man is perfect. When God looks at us,…

Why Do We Pray?

What a great question I was asked by a child desiring a relationship with their Heavenly Father. God already knows what we are going to ask for and God knows what is on our heart. Do we believe that our prayers will change God’s plans and circumstances? Is there another reason for us to pray?…

Preparing for Advent

Advent is defined as the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. For Christians, Advent is the 4-week preparation for the celebration of God’s gift to us, the birth of Jesus Christ. This is the season which we use to prepare for and remember the real meaning of Christmas. We celebrate the coming of…

Spreading the God News

Can you tell the people who go all out for a celebration by how they decorate or the invitation they give? Spreading the good news for a celebration could be for anything; but Spreading the God News leads ordinary people into disciples who will invite others to the greatest celebration EVER! When we are excited…