There are a variety of ways to serve inside and outside of the church. If you are looking for a way to serve, always feel free to contact the church office. Additionally, we have classes provided each year for all to discover how they may serve as they are uniquely gifted! A few of our service opportunities are listed below.
Greeters Ministry
Being a greeter at FCC is one of the most important roles in our church! Our goal is that no one who worships with us at FCC will leave feeling unnoticed or unwelcome. If you are interested in greeting at one of our worship services, contact Cathie Courtois, 319.524.5266.
Ministry Groups
Ministry Groups are a great place to serve with others from the church using your gifts! Ministry Groups generally meet on a monthly basis to plan the activities, programs and business they are responsible for. If you are interested in serving in a ministry group please contact Cathie Courtois at 319.524.5266!
Worship Ministry
Christian Education Ministry
Evangelism / Outreach Ministry
Fellowship Ministry
Stewardship & Finance Ministry
Property Ministry
Technology Ministry
Personnel Committee