Have you ever looked around and wondered what’s missing? I had a neat opportunity to take a Worship and Wonder training at Burlington FCC and was reminded of a wonderful piece to a learning puzzle. Children and youth’s cognitive skills are stimulated by open ended wondering questions. These questions capture interest for the children to think and ponder what they have heard. Most children are literal thinkers who find it difficult to transition into critical thinking by expanding what they know beyond what they have heard. They just recall what they have been told instead of exploring additional thoughts to support what they know. Wonder questions engage sensory motor thinking to unite familiar details while children and youth are receiving their story during the lesson. I will be sharing this concept with leaders to use as an additional tool to help their children expand their critical thinking skills. Children and youth will be able to experience God as they enter into scripture allowing the Holy Spirit to convince them of the truth of God’s Word. I wonder what impact and difference you would have on the kids of our church if you volunteered in a classroom on Sunday morning or Wednesday night?