Have you ever found yourself focused on the same unproductive thoughts over and over like a hamster running his heart out but not getting anywhere? Joseph did in the Old Testament when he had to deal with the mental pain of being tossed into a pit by his brothers and sold into slavery in a foreign land. His journey towards forgiveness had a lot of ups and downs. Do you need to get off the mental hamster wheel? We are directed in Philippians 4:8 to fix our eyes on what is true, buy testosterone propionate noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. Then we can recondition our minds to care about people, trust others, and build safe relationships that are praise worthy, excellent and full of joy. Just like Joseph, we can focus on God’s grace by praying for those who have hurt or offended us and memorizing scripture. God intends to use us when we are intentionally seeking His guidance. When your mind wanders, steer it back to things that are true, honorable and right. God will transform the way you think and your mental calories will be burned for good.