Christmas is almost here! This coming weekend we will be having all four of our regular worship services and then a full slate of Christmas Eve services on Sunday afternoon and evening (see page two). It’s going to be a busy weekend! Afterwards, I plan to settle in for a “long winter’s nap” and enjoy a Christmas holiday with my family.
Christmas comes and goes, as always. But the Good News Christmas brings is something that continues long after the decorations are taken down. As Howard Thurman once wrote:
When the song of the angels is stilled;
When the star in the sky is gone;
When the Kings and princes are back home;
When the shepherds have returned to their flock;
The work of Christmas begins…
To find the lost and heal the broken,
To feed the hungry and help the poor,
To seek for justice and rebuild nations,
To strive for peace and share God’s love,
To make music in the heart
And to do the work of Christ.
Merry Christmas and may God bless and guide “the work of Christmas” at First Christian Church in 2018!