Everyone that has been to camp has a memory that sticks with them. When I was in grade school, the camp I attended had a rule that if you got three letters in one day you had to climb a ladder and kiss the moose head. I was always thankful my letters were spread out throughout the week until my dad wrote three words on three separate “letters” that arrived the same day…envelope one: “I”, envelop two: “LOVE”, and envelop three: “YOU”! I can still remember that special memory I tucked away since those words gave me the confidence to conquer the memorable tradition.
When I received the Newton camp packet with the camp dates, descriptions, posters and registration forms, the value of camp came over me. The importance of time at camp with no outside distractions has a lasting impression. It is time for worshiping with other Christian friends, laughing about singing traditions, making memories and having a safe place to learn more about their faith while building a closer relationship with God.
This year the Christian Conference Center is celebrating its 50th anniversary of ministry during the 2017 camping season with the theme: “Branching Out.” Campers will be studying the ways the Gospel compels them to reach out to each other and to the world. First Christian church pays for half of each camper’s fee and wants to give all campers the opportunity to go and explore camp. Registration forms and prices can be found on the Info walls in the hallway and scholarships are available upon request. I encourage youth of all ages to sign up! My prayer is for your camper to grow with Christ and experience God in a learning environment on Holy Ground.