The Response at the end of worship this month, “Is it I, Lord,” brings so many memories to mind that I can barely sing the words to the song as tears flood my eyes with those beautiful memories. Several years ago adults from FCC took a mission trip to Honduras. At our commissioning, the congregation sang this song to us. Although I had the privilege of going to a third world country to offer help, to pray with them, to share the good news of Jesus Christ, that exact same privilege is also right here in my own back yard!
The Sandwich Ministry prepares sandwiches a couple times a month for the God’s Way ministry. Did you know our deacons prepare a meal monthly for God’s Way as well? We have a team that prepares and serves at Fishes and Loaves. We have a laundromat ministry! We’re preparing to offer assistance during our upcoming work day; we’re walking in the Labor Day parade to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
The need is abundant. Can you spare a few hours a month? Just listen to the words as we sing the response this Sunday. Then listen to God’s question in Isaiah 6:8 (NIV) “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ Prayerfully your answer when called will be, “Yes, God, send me!”