Have you ever noticed the four little stick figures holding hands in the logo on the front of the Spirit? The logo was first developed for the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest to represent the four states that make up our region. For First Christian Church, however, it represents the four distinct worship services we have every weekend.
For the past three years, we have taken one weekend in August to hold a Disciple’s Together Weekend – during which we come together as ONE church in mission, worship and fellowship.
In a little more than a week the disciples of First Christian Church will go out into the community to be the hands and feet of Jesus (there are still places you can help!). Then, on Sunday morning, we will gather at the Rand Park Pavilion for a joint worship service. There will be great music from our bands and our choir and I suspect the kids will continue the new tradition of rolling down the hill for children’s time. And, of course, we’ll finish it all off with a great chicken dinner and games in the park.
I can’t wait to see you there as we experience the fullness of God’s love and power!