Closing Prayer Circle in CYF is tradition. It’s an unbroken circle where we encourage verbal prayer, even when all we have to offer is “Thank You God”. Sometimes, for the sake of time, I have been known to offer up a “repeat after me” prayer; it’s not my favorite way to end our night, because stifling someone’s need to share or the chance to encourage verbal prayer is missed. This year the kids beg for “repeat after me” prayers. So this past week, I said, “Fine, but one of you is going to offer the prayer.” Immediately, the hand next to me went up. After a reassuring promise, this young man offered a beautiful, “repeat after me” prayer for our group. I was blessed, and my heart swelled.
When we find ourselves skipping our daily prayers “or for the sake of time” ~ don’t! Jesus gifted us with the most beautiful “repeat after me” prayer ever – the Lord’s Prayer. It’s a great way to focus our mind, heart and soul just where we need it for each day. So repeat after me :)…” Our Father, who art in heaven…