This year our young adult Wednesday gathering group is doing a study together that is called a “Curriculum in Christlikeness.” I’m really excited about the possibilities for Christian growth among this fine group of Christians, and I feel like I already see some signs!
In the midst of the busyness of our lives, and all the responsibilities we’re charged with, we can lose sight of how we can grow in the Christian life. Even as Christians who regularly participate in all that the church has to offer, like worship and Sunday or Wednesday Life groups, we can still miss something about the point of all this in the first place. We need a “curriculum in Christlikeness.”
We’re called to be disciples of Jesus, not fans or admirers, but disciples of Jesus who grow to be like Jesus Christ, the one we follow. Though we can all do a significant amount of growing by dedicating our time to study and prayer from home, each week throughout worship and in Sunday school and Life group studies, we have the opportunity to dig into the life of the church, and soak up the things that God may be teaching us. We can see worship, and Life groups, not simply as events to attend, but as opportunities for Christian growth, a sort of “curriculum in Christlikeness.”
Let us, the people of First Christian Church grow together as disciples of Jesus Christ!