It is clear from scripture that God is the creator, sustainer, and owner of all. Psalm 24:1 (NIV) says, the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. So why would God command His followers to tithe to the church and to give in accordance to what we have been blessed with? One reason that God wants us to give is because we are made in His image, and God is a giver. The discipline of giving can help to change our hearts and reform us into something that looks and acts a little more like Christ. Giving also helps us to be less selfish. After all, it’s pretty hard to be a selfish giver. And giving people tend to prosper more than stingy ones in not only wealth but also in relationships. Being a cheerful and generous giver also allows us to lean into God and His promises to care for us. So what promises of God do I go to when I need some reassurance regarding giving or relationships? Read Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 56:10-12.