Considering the impact of Jesus’ ministry on world history, it’s hard to believe that it only lasted three calendar years. Other than the stories of Jesus’ birth in Matthew and Luke, it’s the stories of these three years that are the focus of the four Gospels. And of those three years, the most attention (by far!) is given to Jesus’ final week.
For instance, in the Gospel of Mark, a full third of the book is dedicated to Jesus’ final seven days in Jerusalem, beginning with his triumphal entry on Palm Sunday and ending with the resurrection on Easter morning (Mark 11-16). Obviously, what happened during that final week is of the utmost importance.
This year, during Lent, we are going to do something a little different. Each week in worship we will focus on a different day of Jesus’ final week. Step by step, we’ll explore the events of that Holy Week – from the celebration of Jesus’ kingship on Palm Sunday, to the growing conflict with the religious leaders, to the last supper with the disciples, and on to Jesus’ arrest, trial and crucifixion.
Join us this weekend as we take the first steps of our Lenten journey through “The Last Week.”