New Years is a popular time when people start thinking of what they should or want to change and do differently. When resolutions are made with will power, they last as long as a celebrating sparkler and are forgotten by February. When resolutions are made by preparing your heart to receive God’s word, and you start where you are at in your life, obey where God wants to guide you and listen to what God is wanting to do in and through you, your resolution will stay burning. Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open. By following through and seeking God’s will where you see him at work and knocking to join him there, you will experience God’s renewed purpose on your life, find a meaningful focus and power over your faith walk as you experience God this year. Let’s encourage one another to experience all God has to offer both us as individuals and us as a church body.