Last month the Perpetual Memorial annual report was given to the Administrative Board for approval. It was the Committee’s recommendation that this year’s 25% of local outreach ($1,114.67) go towards the Disciple Worship Together work day projects (with any remaining monies to go to the church’s special account fund). The 25% for capital expenditures ($1,114.67) will be applied toward a digital upgrade on the operating system of the pipe organ.
The digital upgrade will basically make the organ like a good ole’-fashioned player piano! Many years ago when this type of mechanical player was first invented, there were more organists and no one wanted their position on the bench challenged by a player mechanism. But today things are entirely different, and we have been challenged with finding a permanent replacement for the organist position. While we hope to continue having “live” music from the organ, this upgrade will allow us the opportunity to continue to use the pipe organ for worship services when an organist is not available.
The cost for the upgrade is $3,600 with a balance of approximately $2,500 to collect after the perpetual memorial interest is applied. Donations to the upgrade would be greatly appreciated. Please make your check payable to FCC putting “Organ Upgrade” in the memo.