A wise pastor once told me he never used his newsletter column to talk about events that had already occurred because it was too late for folks who hadn’t attended. He told me, instead, to use my column to increase excitement about events still to come. Well, I’m going to break this unwritten rule and brag a little bit about the children and youth of First Christian Church.
Last Sunday was our annual Youth Sunday. Janel Quinlan, our youth minister, put together a meaningful service of worship around Paul’s “fruits of the Spirit.” Janel reported to me that 52 of our kids had leadership roles in the services, not counting all the choirs that sang (Cherub, Whirlybirds, Kids of the Covenant, and Heavenly Melodies). I couldn’t have been more proud of our young people and their leaders.
I want to thank everyone who played a part in Youth Sunday this year, but I also want to thank all of you in the pews. First Christian Church has made ministry to children and youth a priority for a long time – and it shows. Thank YOU for your ongoing support for our children and youth, who aren’t just the church of tomorrow, but the church of today!