I’ve seen it many times on church signs: “What is missing from ch__ch? UR!” That’s a cute way of saying that everybody has a place in the church and when you’re absent, you are missed. But for the Apostle Paul, this wasn’t something trivial. It was a serious spiritual issue. He described the church as a human body and each member as an important part of a functioning system.
With that particular image in mind, think about what part you play. What if you are one of those tiny bones in the ear that allows us to hear? What if you are a white blood cell that helps to fight off infection? What if you are a tendon that connects bone to muscle and allows the body to move? What if you’re the funny bone? What if you are supposed to be a part of the body – but either haven’t found your place or have abandoned your position?
This year, our theme is Finding Your Place on the Journey. Many have already found their place and are serving and growing. Many others are actively searching in worship and small groups. I am proud to be one minister among many as we help everyone find their place in the Body of Christ.