There’s a scene in the Lion King in which Simba leaves his home because his evil Uncle Scar convinces him he’s something he’s not. Voices from inside and out tell Simba he doesn’t deserve to go home. Eventually, Simba has a vision of his father saying, “Remember who you are!” It reminds me of a similar moment in Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son. In Luke 15:17 it says, “When [the prodigal son] came to himself… he got up and went.” In other words, when he remembered who he really was he returned to the love of his father. He went home!
There are many things that can take us away from celebrating life as a part of a community of believers. Sometimes those voices come from outside of ourselves and sometimes from within – but they are always a lie.
Beginning this Fall, First Christian is celebrating a year of Jubilee – a year of homecoming and remembering who we are. The first Jubilee event will be held on Wednesday, September 4th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. It’s called “Homecoming” and it’s going to be a night of fun, food and fellowship for all ages. Come home to First Christian Church and invite others to do the same!