Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Jubilee is Coming!

“Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” In a world that values productivity, work, and wealth above almost everything else – the command to stop working and look to God is a fairly radical thing.

Eugene Peterson once wrote, “I don’t see any way out of it: If we are going to honor the Father, we must keep the Sabbath. We must stop running around long enough to see what he has done and is doing. We must shut up long enough to hear what he has said and is saying. All our ancestors agree that without silence and stillness there is no spirituality, no God-attentive, God-responsive life.”

In Jewish tradition, celebration of the Sabbath was a constant reminder of God’s presence and authority – not only on the seventh day of the week, but also on certain years. For instance, after 7 cycles of 7 years, the 50th year was considered a Jubilee Year.

Beginning with Disciples Together Weekend in September, we will be celebrating a Jubilee Year in which we explore Sabbath and reorient our life and ministry toward God. Inserted into the Spirit this week you will find more information. Jubilee is coming! Plan now to be a part of the celebration.