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Thriving in Babylon

This weekend, we’ll begin a study of the book of Daniel called “Thriving in Babylon.” In this amazing book, we see how Daniel and his three friends (whose Hebrew names were changed to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) learned to live faithfully and victoriously in a hostile culture.

Daniel and his friends watched as their nation and temple were destroyed. They were then forced to live in a strange new land. And while that may never happen to us, that doesn’t mean the book of Daniel doesn’t have lessons to teach us. Even in a nation where we have freedom to practice our faith – there are things that lure us away from following in Jesus’ footsteps.

Mother Teresa once said, “We must never be afraid to be a sign of contradiction for the world.” Jesus said that as his followers we are to be “in the world, but not of the world.” Over the next four weeks, we’ll be exploring what it means to find our core identity in our faith and live as authentic disciples of Jesus, even when that puts us at odds with the world.

Join us this weekend as we learn about the famous Daniel diet!