Occasionally, I hear someone lament the fact that we have four services every weekend at FCC. “It’s a shame that we can’t all be together at the same time…” My response to that is always twofold: First, having multiple services creates multiple opportunities for people to gather every weekend for worship. The reality is that the more choices you have, the more people are likely to attend worship. And secondly, we do have opportunities to be together at the same time! Wednesday night small groups and Simple Suppers (which start next week) are the best place to experience ongoing fellowship with folks who go to other services.
Another way we intentionally join hands every year is our upcoming Disciples Together Weekend. This Saturday, from 9 am to noon, disciples from First Christian will fan out into the community to serve others and share God’s love in concrete ways – and then gather back at the church for a hearty meal. Then, on Sunday morning at 10:30 am, all four of our unique services will gather at the pavilion at Rand Park for our Disciples Together worship. It’s going to be a great day – with wonderful worship, music, fellowship and food. I can’t wait to see you there!