Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

A Good Start

Some of my earliest memories are of Vacation Bible School at Capitol Hill Christian Church – back when the church still sat a block from the state capitol in Des Moines. Before the state bought the building and sent us out to the east side, Capitol Hill’s members came together every year to create a time and space for joyful learning and fun. I can’t imagine a better foundation for faith – or a better invitation into a life of following Jesus.

Last week we held our annual VBS – and many things are just as I remember. There are still loving teachers who are working hard to share the Good News. There are still fun games and songs and snacks. Of course, we now have beautifully produced videos projected on screens to enhance the learning – but it’s still the faith and love of our volunteers that make VBS something that will be cherished and remembered by our children for a lifetime.

I am thankful to be a part of a church that makes children and youth a priority. I’m also glad to be a part of church that still loves to sing, play and snack – no matter how old we are!