Every half hour on this quiet Good Friday, I hear the door opening, signaling the arrival of the next “link” in our 24-Hour Prayer Vigil. When I arrived, I was greeted by someone just finishing their time in prayer. As we hugged she said, “I was so refreshed by that time. I had so much to pray about today, and it was so peaceful in there. I’m so glad I came.”
My heart smiles for her as I think back on that moment – and again as I remember watching folks wipe away tears during the Maundy Thursday service – and again, as Facebook pictures show folks enjoying the Amazing Easter Race – and yet again, as I think back to the Cantata presented by our Adult Choir on Palm Sunday.
And now, we have celebrated Easter! He Lives! But, our work is not done! The sweetness of the saving grace Jesus brought to each of us must be shared! We can face all our tomorrows because He lives – who do we know that needs to know of this goodness? This time next year, we want to look back and say that someone new experienced the quiet of our Prayer Vigil for the first time; and cried soul-cleansing tears at realizing the price Jesus paid for us as they encountered the story through word or song; and joy at realizing how amazing a life covered in God’s grace truly is! Thank you in advance, for being faithful Disciples whose mission is “…to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ.”