Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Church Blog (Page 41)

The Benefits of Encouragement

Encouragement plays a vital role in the growth and development of a child. Children who grow up with consistent encouragement thrive; those who grow up with constant criticism shrivel. We never grow too old to need encouraging words. Ephesians 4:29 says: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according…

The Last Word

One Halloween, when my kids were little, we made the rounds on beggar’s night and then sat down on our front steps to help pass out candy. A few minutes later we saw death coming up the street. Actually, what we saw was a little boy and his father, both dressed up like the grim reaper. The little boy with his plastic…

On A Mission For Jesus

As I sat down to log in to Charity Tracker, I said aloud, “Let’s be On A Mission For Jesus for a while!” What I meant was that I was going to set aside the next hour or so working towards this program that is so important for our community. Then the small voice inside said, “Oh for more hands, more time,…

The Last Word

It’s beginning to look a lot like fall in southeast Iowa – and it’s beautiful! Bright yellow, reds and oranges are appearing everywhere. But did you know those beautiful colors have been there all along? When fall comes and the chlorophyll stops circulating, the actual colors of the leaves become visible. Sometimes when a person does something good or bad it is…

Why It Matters…

When my wife and I were youth pastors in Texas we took a mission trip to work in the heart of the city of Houston. Our mission group leader was a great guy, with one quirky catchphrase. He would always tell us to really pay attention in the interactions we have throughout the day with all those we encounter because we may…

The Last Word

During my children’s moment with the kids in Starting Point on Sunday morning, I asked them how many superheroes they could name. They came up with the ones you might expect, like Superman and Batman. But then one little girl said, “Robin!” I had to stop for a second. She was right. Robin was Batman’s sidekick, but he was a superhero in…

My Journey…

I would like to share how my love for the Bible began…I believed the Bible was written a long time ago and had no value to me, but when my father was sick in the hospital with cancer, I was sitting with him. At the time The Living Bible was newly published and somehow one ended up in his hospital room. One…

The Last Word

This coming weekend we are beginning our “Not So Superhero” sermon series and our staff is very excited. Why? Because everybody loves superheroes! Superheroes have amazing special powers. Some are faster than a speeding bullet. Others can fly, swing from tall buildings, or have mastered incredible new technologies. What our favorite superheroes have in common is that they all put their powers…

~Something Better

We’ve all experienced disappointment when things don’t work out the way we wanted. Maybe you were heartbroken when a relationship ended or when you didn’t get that dream job. It’s hard to imagine that things are being worked out for your good. But later something better came along— maybe you met your future spouse or were given a job beyond what you…

The Last Word

Rabbi Harold Kushner once wrote, “In a society that segregates the old from the young, the rich from the poor, the successful from the struggling, the house of worship represents one place where the barriers fall and we all stand equal before God.” I’m always amazed at the diversity of people in churches – especially churches that are thriving and growing. It’s…