We are heading full-tilt now into our Wednesday night Youth and Life Groups for the year. During our summer months, our Wednesday nights are pretty quiet, there’s not a lot going on, the church can stay pretty neat and tidy. That’s a little less the case after a good night of Youth and Life groups! Kids running everywhere, food, fun, fellowship. And of course, we wouldn’t trade it for a second! Where there is life, there is mess.
There’s a little Proverb about this. Proverbs are little wisdom sayings for us. Meaning, we’d be wise to listen to em! Proverbs 14:4 says “Where no oxen are, the barn is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.” I heard someone explain this, saying that we get the increased harvest because of the oxen. But this word “strength” has a double meaning. The strength of the oxen pull the weight of the plow. AND, the strength of the oxen, makes a bit of a strong-scented mess in the barn. Where there is life there is mess…
My wife and I got married 10 years ago on the 20th. We had our little house that we could keep pretty clean! It was just us. Then we got a dog, and it was a little harder. Then we got another dog, and that dog was a terror. Then we had a kid, and another kid, and it’s like we’d never known mess before! But I love the mess, if I really think about it, even if I have to step on a lego from time to time, or clean a puddle of syrup off the table, or put every single stinking book back on the shelf… What this really is, if I take a second look, is the proof of life. It’s life! And it’s messy, and it’s beautiful somehow all at the same time.
Anyway, that’s all to say, I’ve missed our Wednesday nights together! Come hang out Wednesday night at 6:00pm, eat and fellowship and join a life group. See you Wednesday!