Yesterday, I heard an interview with the editor of a series of books called “The Last Interview.” Apparently, not long before their deaths, authors like Ernest Hemmingway and Philip K. Dick were interviewed about their lives and their writing.
The perspectives of the authors were varied. For instance, Philip K. Dick loved to talk about writing. Hemmingway, on the other hand, said, “Talking about writing kills it.” Nora Ephron talked about the truly life-saving technique taught to her by her screenwriting parents about how to get through a tough time. They said, “Just keep repeating to yourself, ‘Someday this will be a great story.’”
As different as these successful writers were in so many ways, there was one thing they all agreed on: writers write. They get up every day, even when they don’t feel like it, and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).
It’s not hard to see a parallel to the Christian life. Disciples serve. Disciples love. We get up every day and seek to live out the Gospel in all our relationships – even when it would be easier to do something else. That is the recipe for successful writing and it’s also the recipe for faithful living!