Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!


This week at our Children’s moment for 11:11 worship, we had 20 kids come up. What!? 20 kids. For real. God is at work and I love it.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s gonna happen up there for children’s moment until we get there, and a kid raises his hand and wants to share a story, or asks a question that will ultimately and wonderfully derail my plans for that time! This week one of the kids asked “what does hallelujah mean?” (Hallelujah means praise God.) What a great question!

How often we simply go through life in the church passing through the familiar sights and sounds, speaking our unique church language, and forget to interpret and take in the meaning for even ourselves. There’s a lot to soak in when we find ourselves in the life of the church. It’s only right, the mystery and wonder of God is flowing throughout!

Sometimes it’s a blessing to just sit back, behold the sights and sounds, and praise God. And sometimes, we might be changed for the better, if we took it all in with the enthusiasm of a child, seeking out the answers to all those most important questions. “What does hallelujah mean?” Praise God.