Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

VBS Is For Adults Too!!

I love walking into the sanctuary this week and seeing the mountains on the stage with the huge Everest banner. I love seeing the bright eyes of each child as they look forward to meeting a new memory buddy animal and learn about how God has the power to provide, comfort, heal, forgive and love us forever. As adults, we have mountains in our lives that when we first see them our eyes might be bright with fear or uncertainty. There are times when we meet someone new and instead of focusing our energies on getting to know them, we are consumed with our own schedule. We too can learn the same foundational building blocks our youth are learning this week at VBS. God provides ways to the other sides of mountains. He provides comfort through His word and those He brings into our lives. He can heal old wounds and forgive transgressions. Above all, He does and will love us forever. I encourage you all to hold on to these simple truths!