Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Behind the Scenes from the Staff

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (February 18) and covers approximately six weeks before Easter Sunday.  At First Christian we emphasize this time on Wednesday evenings, with a Lenten meal at 5:30 pm and then special study groups.  If you are already attending a group on Wednesday evenings, those will continue, and we have two new groups that will be offered on Wednesdays.  Evan Zelkovich will be leading a new group in Room #3 and a Couple’s Class will be led by Kurt and Miriam Freesmeier in Room #2.  All of the classes available are posted on the “Info Wall”. Two other classes will be offered, one on Sunday mornings at 9 am (David Turner, Leading) and another on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm (Sharon Brownlee, Leading). We will all be learning about S.H.A.P.E. – Finding and Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life.